October 26, 2005

traffic wardens ticket quota

Long suspected but never proved, Traffic wardens have a minimum quota of tickets they have to give according to the Torquay Herald
They [traffic wardens] have also been sent leaflets from the company which manages the attendants, NCP, offering reward points to wardens who deliver "increased sales" which can be exchanged for goods in Argos stores. In an exclusive interview, a warden claimed there are:

TARGETS of at least one ticket per hour.

REPRIMANDS for going through a shift without handing out enough tickets.

MOBILE patrols of traffic wardens in unmarked cars scouring the streets of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham until 10pm.
In a direct quote their whistle blower says
"The majority of us don't like it but you get told off if you don't hand out enough tickets."


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